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5/17/2024 4:46:57 AM

Accidentally changed name

I was trying to change my bungie name but it wouldn't let me save and kept looping, no errors given. I started to spam the save button but it didn't do anything. I tried entering a different name and it automatically saved (probably from spamming the button) and now I have a name that is the same as my old with numbers on the end. Is there any chance I can get this reverted and possibly get the change back so I can do it properly please?
#Help #name #change



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  • Allo there, We all get [b][u]two[/u][/b] name changes. If you've used one then you can go back and try again, however when a name isn't saving it's usually due to it hitting the filter. If you've used both changes then unfortunately nothing can be done and you'll need to wait and see if Bungie decides to add another name change token.



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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