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5/16/2024 5:45:08 AM

Negative silver

So a while back apparently someone got into my account, spent a ton of money on eververse stuff and then when it got refunded the account was left w negative balance on steam which has caused me to be unable to use my guardians on xbox (new platform I just bought the dlcs for) to be clear these purchases WERE NOT ME. Someone got into my account and did this. I haven't touched this game in quite a while and want to be able to use my old stuff but I can't since my guardians can't be used. I can't unlink authenticate the steam account because it isn't mine which means I can't unlink the profile steam profile with negative balance
#Help #Eververse



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  • Bungie will not do anything as account security is placed on the user. Anything that happens is placed on the user. As for the delink bungie cant do that nor would they.



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

  • You could try filing a missing silver ticket and explain it there, but fairly good chance they aren't going to set it to 0. [quote]I can't unlink authenticate the steam account because it isn't mine which means I can't unlink the profile steam profile with negative balance[/quote] You cant deactivate cross-save without being able to authenticate the Steam, so your setup is stuck regardless. Bungie wont forcibly unlink it



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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