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5/15/2024 11:58:30 PM

Bugs I noticed on my onslaught playthrough

PLATFORM: Steam SYSTEM INFO: CPU: Ryzen 5 5600X GPU: RTX 3060 RAM:16GB GPU Driver Version:552.44 OS Version:23H2 ISP Provider/Speed - Jio 300Mbps Connection Type: Wi-FI ISSUES : 1. While playing as a Solar Warlock in my playthrough of Onslaught, I encountered an issue where I activated my Healing Rift during the Spark dunking round. However, the boss froze me immediately after I activated the Healing Rift. Despite attempting to unfreeze myself, I discovered that my Healing Rift ability had recharged instantly after the freeze ended. 2. In the same playthrough, I experienced a situation where I died after successfully dunking my Spark. Surprisingly, the Spark remained active throughout the entire time while the fireteam was swapped, leading up to the boss round. However, upon reaching the boss round, I realized that my ultimate ability was unavailable, even after taking the banner flag. REPRO STEPS: 1. Begin the Onslaught mission and complete the waves until you enter the first portal. Subsequently, eliminate all Sparkholders and allow someone else to take the Spark. Proceed by running towards the immune boss and activating your Healing Rift just before you anticipate being frozen. Upon unfreezing yourself, you will notice that your Healing Rift has recharged. 2. Follow the same steps as before, but this time, dunk the Spark when your health is low and you are close to death. There is a rare chance that the immune boss may perish, causing the portal to open while the Spark remains in your possession. Coordinate with your fireteam to swap the Spark by allowing yourself to be defeated just before the Spark expires. Repeat this process until the boss round. Enter the portal while holding the Spark and claim the banner. You will observe that your ultimate ability is unavailable. ACTUAL RESULT: 1. I have my healing rift with me again after I am unfreezed. 2. My ultimate ability is unavailable. EXPECTED RESULT: 1. Healing rift still in charging state. 2. Ultimate ability is charged.



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