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5/12/2024 6:13:19 PM

Somethings definitely off...

So I've had red borders not registering when the patterns were extracted. Now am just showing a mate where Archiw is in the EDZ as I've done it already....and the triumphs aren't showing. I've done all the find Archie quests so far but according to the triumphs, I haven't. I know I've done these because I did them with the same person I'm with at the mo and his triumphs show he's completed them. We have a database issue or what?



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  • [quote]I've done all the find Archie quests so far but according to the triumphs, I haven't. [/quote] Those triumphs in the API are account wide, in-game however they're character specific. So if you for example only did Cosmodrome on your Hunter then the triumph is hidden on Warlock/Titan



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