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由Dex编辑: 5/12/2024 7:32:11 PM

Onslaught Rewards

Anyone else feel like they aren't very well rewarded for completing all 50 waves of hard onslaught? I feel cheated when I spend over an hour in a difficult activity, and I do not get a single brave variant for any of the weapons. If I'm spending THAT long in an activity, I should be guaranteed at the bare minimum, 1 of these unique variations, or even really up my chances at getting them. Maybe I'm reaching, but it would be nice to have a better incentive to make it to round 50.



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  • Bungie just wants you to run it a million times and be so frustrated that you come to the forums and post about it. They are only happy if players are miserable. Bungie HATES fun! Fun and Engaging Onslaught is not! Repetitive, unrewarding and overly challenging for the time invested Onslaught is! I have seen one gold drop, and that is it. No point in running onslaught as I will never run it enough to get a gold drop of what I want even attuned, as that only works for about 25% of drops. I will do a 10 level once in a awhile now that shax is maxed out and that is it. There is no point in grinding into the 40s with a match made group over and over and over to always leave frustrated. Heck I had a group fail at wave 9. Yes I am a casual player, and do my best but it will never be good enough to carry 2 slouches who both were expecting a carry. I can't reliably get to wave 50 in an match made group, so why bother with the time investment. I get nothing for it.



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