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由Jaywesterlow编辑: 5/12/2024 9:04:47 AM

"From Zero" and "To Hero" quests not appearing at Nimbus

I'm having trouble finding the "To Hero" quest you're supposed to get from Nimbus. I played the Lightfall campaign a while ago, then quit playing for a bit so i'm not sure where I left off and where i'm supposed to resume. I assume i'm done with the main campaign as there was no quest for me to complete, I just resumed with the memorial quests after which I completed the "Bluejay" quest. After I did this I received the exotic quest for the Winterbite, but nothing else. I'm not sure if I did the "From Zero" questline, but because it's a prerequesite to "To Hero" I also listed it here. I can get neither of these quests and I know for a fact I haven't completed "To Hero" because firstly, if I approach Nimbus I can't buy repeatable bounties off of him as they require me to Begin the quest (screenshot in link). Secondly, the reward for completing that quest is a Round Robin, a weapon I don't have in my collections yet. Does anyone have an awnser to why this is happening or if I'm overlooking something?



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