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5/11/2024 1:24:58 AM

What are the best PVE meta loadouts?

I’ve never had a dedicated clan so I’ve only ever really done PVP. I have maybe 2 raid weapons and 2 or 3 dungeon weapons. Before TFS comes and unsunsets everything, I’d really like to get my hands on a few of those end game weapons I’ve always wanted (mostly fatebringer and conditional finality). So I’m going to bite the bullet and try to solo some end game content. I don’t know anything about PVE loadouts and weapons so any feedback will be helpful. I mostly play stasis or solar warlock when I do PVE. My main focus will be things that can keep me alive and keep my abilities filled. I need to know the best weapons for ad clear and the best heavy weapons for Boss DPS. Thank you very kindly for any help offered. Also, if you ever want to just help Sherpa me through some of these things, that’d be awesome too.



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