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由The Rat King编辑: 5/9/2024 11:47:18 AM

My clan currently has NO FOUNDER ROLE

I created my clan pre Destiny 2 release. Since then I had left the clan as it was inactive and I traded the role to another inactive player who I was able to keep in touch with. Later on around 2019 I decided to reclaim the clan and I am fairly certain they DID give me back my founder role. I can see now that is not the case, but whats even stranger is that the player who was holding the role is not in the clan anymore. So the clan has no leadership. On top of that my account which has been around since year 1 is labeled as a Beginner even though I have held the clan for years. I simply would like to have the founder role to be able to edit my clans details once again. If any Bungie support could help me with this it would be most appreciated. Edit: I realize this may not be possible as support will not take things away from other players just because I'm making a post. Part of me is hoping an exception can be made since I am the creator of the clan. But More importantly I would like to know if my friend could log into their account and pass leadership to me again. Even though they do not appear on the roster.



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