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由ItsNismoAce编辑: 5/8/2024 8:07:10 PM

Looking for More Experienced Raiders to Join Us!

Hello Guardians! Many of us took a hiatus in this last season and have all really got back into things post Into the Light and Pantheon. We've been having a great time getting back into organizing raids and pantheon runs. We're looking for returning veterans & experienced raiders that are interested in raiding and running pantheon. We have had multiple pantheon clears in the clan and are having a great time with raiding in general. Also catching up on seasonal activities/exotic missions as well. We do have a section of the group that does PVP on occasion also. We're largely NA based but do have some folks residing in EU. Feel free to check us out here If you're interested or have any questions feel free to message me directly on discord. My discord ID is nismoace. Hope to see you there :)



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