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5/7/2024 7:52:08 PM

Already Bought S23 and Dungeon Pass, how do I buy S21 and S22 w/o annual pass?

Title sums this up, didn't know I couldn't buy previous seasons a la carte (no mention of this in game), so I when I was getting back into the game, I bought the current season and the dungeon pass. Now, it looks like the only way to get access to the previous seasons (for the next 30 days till that's taken away) is to buy the deluxe upgrade of Lightfall that would give me all seasons + the dungeon pass... I'm obviously not going to pay $50 for access to 2 seasons for 30 days, is there a way to get a refund for the dungeon pass and S23 so I can get the deluxe upgrade? This is so confusing.
#Help #Eververse



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