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由Destiny2Team编辑: 5/2/2024 6:10:17 PM


This Week in Destiny: 🗺 PvP Map Pack launches May 7 💀 The Pantheon boss profiles and Bungie Rewards 🟡 Rahool updates preview 🎨 Shader UI revamp preview 🟩 Special ammo updates from the PvP Strike Team 📰[url=]Read the full TWID here [/url]



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  • A few months ago: "We can do better! We will earn your trust back!" Now: " Hey, here's a bunch of old crap. Aren't we cool? .... Hey... Where are y'all going? Come back! Pleeease???"



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  • Why are you nerfing anything? There is absolutely no reason for it. At the beginning on the season you nerfed our ability uptime in order to have us focus on weapon damage. Now you are nerfing said weapons into the ground. Especially Divinity, this weapon is hard to get in the first place now you want to make it worthless. I don't get the decisions you are making. Do you want the community to stop playing?



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  • The osteo nerf is a joke, the usage already dipped way below where it was. I'm sorry the ad clear gun is good for ad clear, you wretches. Lament is also a garbage nerf, just bc y'all can't manage the combo doesn't mean it should be an US problem. As for Cerberus???? Genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, who in the cinnamon toast F U C C K is using the dog water (ha) catalyst for Cerberus, and better yet, who the hell is using it in PvE? I knew y'all didn't play your own game outside of your pathetic little pre controlled sandboxes, but this is DIRE. get it together.



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  • 由Kemaleon编辑: 5/17/2024 10:18:52 AM
    This is 2 weeks old, so without one for todays TWiD I will say this here instead: I don't use the 'C' word often because I'm not a child, but I feel its appropriate here; that Webcomic was a big bag of Cringe.



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    • I’m confused on the enhanced perk changes. It says raid adepts will be able to have barrel and mag changed at the enclave. Is that only for RON and Crota adepts only or is it a feature they are also adding to other raid adepts such as VOW weapons?



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    • This week in Destiny is unplayable for me! The game is constantly crashing with random error codes. My internet connection is up and running with no issues, however the game keeps crashing. Have already seen all type of animals error codes which does not make sense all together. Moreover all error codes are stating that what’s wrong is my connection 😀 Since the last update it is just impossible to play. Bungles help guide is just useless and there is nothing that can help fix the issue.



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      3 回复
      • The PvP team should have to live stream playing in platinum or higher comp every week on a different classes so they see what they have done.



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      • Bungie does not care, they just want your money. Good Luck to those of you who purchased TFS and are planning on purchasing TFS. I feel for you. Bungie can take a long walk off a short pier with their pockets full of rocks for all I care about how they have changed the game. I hope Sony steps in soon and does something but it will still be too late, no way I am coming back at this point! It will help you all, so I hope sooner rather than later.



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        4 回复
        • Can we revert vex mythoclast back to a 390 please 🙏



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        • Game is quickly becoming nothing more than an over done mobile gotcha game.



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          9 回复
          • If recycled content from the DCV is all we got to look forward to why even buy Final Shape? Even though we get prismatic, whats the locations in the traveler are we going to go? To the same places we’ve been since D1? Places we’ve already been?



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            1 回复
            • The Rahool and shader updates are just awful. Rahool being the only source for new armor is just a joke, tbh. It used to be exciting to get an exotic, now it's just an ingame paywalled expectation, that only makes sense because you throw so many exotics at us they can be expected to be used as a currency. The new shaders are just very cluttered, good luck being able to actually see the information clearly if you're not sitting in front of a large monitor or massive TV. If y'all were going to touch shaders at all, an entire rework would've been better than this half-measure. Hell, half the problem with the colors/patterns not being represented in the icons is because people don't want them in the first place and you keep shoehorning ugly elements into what should be a simple color option.



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              4 回复
              • For a team that used the premise of disparity between long term players and new players on why they were removing shards, they sure as heck just introduced a larger disparity with this change on acquiring exotics. Do you think that new players are just sitting on a stockpile of ciphers or are able to go out and easily farm for more exotic engrams? People wanted more sources for acquiring exotics instead of it being regulated to lost sectors and the Vex Strike Force, but with this change to make Rahool the only source is a huge step backwards. Has anyone on this economy team ever heard of the KISS principle, because this change is anything but simple.



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              • This Rahool change is antithetic to everything you've done up to this point. New Players don't know about focused decoding at Rahool. New Players can't AFFORD focused decoding at Rahool. Hell, I can't afford focused decoding at Rahool! Taking away Solo Lost Sectors from new players and making their only chance at new exotic armor locked behind Lightfall and RNG (Vex Incursion) or what sounds to be minimum 30 hours of grinding ritual activities for engrams? Furthermore, using rahool to lock players to one possible new exotic armor per week due to the cypher, and if they can't log in to find xur over the weekend they're just SOL? There is no lense through which this change can be called user friendly. You are actively harming potential new players and souring old players.



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                2 回复
                • Spirit of Karnstein, Spirit of Wormgod, for the glaive mains would be amazing.



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                • 由Dredgen Wolf编辑: 5/4/2024 10:21:09 PM
                  New PVP crap. Pantheon crap for the streams. Exotic Acquisition nerf. More Shader stupidity. Special Ammo can't figure out its existential life crisis in PVP, again. TWID recap TL-DR, for those whom care^ Just let us have a shader spinner that rotates the colors around, it would give us better customization and more color combos to make unique looks.



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                • Can the class item be used with all subclasses or just prismatic? Some combinations will be great for other subclasses as well and that would be awesome



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                  1 回复
                  • I know this is a little off-topic but in the future are you guys are gonna make more rules against toxicity with the community.?? I'm sure after the release of Pantheon you saw all of the toxic players Alienate other players kick in players for no reason abuse and raid report by just bullying people with it. Think about it players who are just coming back into the game how are they supposed to have a better raid report if these players won't let them actually play the damn raid..



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                    26 回复
                    • Because the main color can occupy any slot and it changes from shader to shader, it would be nice for all shaders to be changed so the primary color is always in the same position. i.e. the top. You kind of did this, but getting the color you want where you want it is STILL a problem. Having the ability to rotate the main color on a shader would be ideal, so you can get the colors where they look best. Overall, there are TOO many shaders that are just crap! I would love the ability to remove shaders I will never use from the matrix.



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                      • 由CookieNiki编辑: 5/5/2024 12:49:15 AM
                        [quote][i]"Lost Sectors will keep the same drop rates for Exotics but will instead drop engrams whenever they would have previously dropped gear"[/i][/quote] So, you guys decided to remove the best way of average players getting the new or missing exotic armor by removing them from dropping from Legend Lost Sectors, right? [quote][i]"Besides that, with Exotic armor pieces often forming the backbone of a powerful build, new players are regularly asked to spend a long time tackling challenging content solo before being able to run builds that support the most effective tactics."[/i][/quote] How having to fully complete one vendor reputation is less grind than running a legend lost sector 4 or 5 times to get new exotic armor? And then you give this advice to players: [quote][i]"make sure to stock up on Exotic engrams and Ascendant Shards before June 4"[/i].[/quote] So, please tell me how new and average players are supposed to [b][u]stack up[/u][/b] on Ascendant Shards if they only drop in any acceptable quantity from Master and Grandmaster activities? Activities that, as we all know, only hardcore players and streamers get to? And don't even get me started about the need of Exotic Ciphers as that's an absolute dumpster fire. Bottom line? Your Econ Team is completely deluded, and this will be MUCH worse, not better than what we have now. This is one step forward and two backward, a huge nerf disguised as something good. But hey, you at Bungie are surely experts in doing this kind of shady moves. Been there, seen that since 2014.



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                        4 回复
                        • 由Barrel编辑: 5/7/2024 10:07:31 AM

                          I rage I get mad I talk shiz -

                          [quote]This Week in Destiny: 🗺 PvP Map Pack launches May 7 💀 The Pantheon boss profiles and Bungie Rewards 🟡 Rahool updates preview 🎨 Shader UI revamp preview 🟩 Special ammo updates from the PvP Strike Team 📰[url=]Read the full TWID here [/url][/quote] You guys messed melee I can’t double melee anyone now it has happened 3 times in the past 3 games wtf bungo



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                        • Still can’t create our own shaders……….?



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                        • 由viiTactiiCZz编辑: 5/3/2024 12:38:41 PM
                          You should be doing another pass at the icons and the tooltiip, the icons themselves are abysmal/ugly. Big solid coloured diamond rather than them being listed on the tooltip.



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                          1 回复
                          • I was really hoping to get more detailed information on the new shader system. The only thing I learned is there are 6 colors and not 4. Can we get specifics about that each different slot represents? How anything is determined by looking at the shader and knowing what to expect when applied



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                          • Will exotic engrams farmed from lost sectors this season count towards cyptarch progress? You can get engrams to drop from them now if your engrams inventory is full.



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