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由annoyed编辑: 4/29/2024 8:53:11 PM

Please let us delete the old Wishender Tokens

Ever since the introduction of the DCV the Wishender Quest has had a multitude of reworks. With that said and the most recent revsion to the quest of being tied to the "Hunter's Remembrance" quest I am still left years later stuck with 3 quest slots occupied by these tokens. Knowing this is especially annoying since the new quest doesnt use the tokens. The last thing that sucks about this entire thing is as someone who already has wishender there is no physical way for me to remedy this by reaquring the quest or simply turning in the tokens in the dungeon. IIRC there was an update aswell that was supposed to take these tokens out of the inventory automatically but it never happened to my account so once again it leaves me with slots that are being held hostage by these tokens. I dont care what happens I would just like them to be removed so they stop taking up space and I dont have to feel like theres nothing I can do to get rid of them.
#Help #gameplay



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