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4/27/2024 4:07:01 PM

Backing out Penalty Trials

Bungie, Why would you penalize us for backing out when the game is rampant with cheaters especially with this new update where everyone can instantly get 1810. I have seen so many more cheaters this weekend than previous weekends. Instead of penalizing us for backing out because we dont want to play cheaters and have them farm us. Maybe you should ban the cheaters. Now me and my buddy play a game or two, play a cheater, then back out and get banned for 30min, then rinse and repeat. This is horrible logic on the bungie crucible team. WHY HAVE YOU NOT TAKEN A BIGGER STANCE ON CHEATERS. YOU LITERALLY SAID XIM, CRONUS and other 3rd party stuff is bannable but I still see so many of them or just hard cheaters. I love all the crucible changes but it means NOTHING if you dont ban or have your anticheat work properly. Are you guys using the free trial for your anticheat because it seems like it doesnt detect ANYTHING.



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