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4/23/2024 7:30:08 AM

You can't make this up!

Lol Jumping into a few "quick" games this morning. Pass of Ferocity past 3 wins. No, I didn't go flawless. I quickly buried that idea. Best matchmaking ever in the second game when I just shut down my console and went to work. My team: A) Silver I/30.152 Crucible kills/0.95 KDA/940 Trials kills/1 Flawless/no PvP title B) Silver III/73.147 Crucible kills/1.10 KDA/2.299 Trials kills/9 Flawless/no PvP title C) Gold III/46.625 Crucible kills/1.43 KDA/7.180 Trials kills/9 Flawless/no PvP title The other team: A) Ascendant III/214.390 Crucible kills/1.59 KDA/27.294 Trials kills/62 Flawless/Glorious + Flawless title B) Ascendant III/44.439 Crucible kills/1.42 KDA/7.706 Trials kills/15 Flawless/Gilded Glorious + Flawless C) Adept III/427.733 Crucible kills/1.79 KDA/46.264 Trials kills/106 Flawless/Gilded Glorious + Gilded Flawless They were nice and had all 3 their comp emblem equipped hence we knew what was coming. I call this a day.



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  • Only Destiny players will defend this kind of defunct PvP too. Anyone else wouldn't even entertain the thought. I've even spent too much time in there😂. Got some good weapons, but I've decided it's just not worth it, especially since I get my Blast Furnace back next week. Trials is something I feel, if they removed it from the game entirely, it would have no real negative effect beyond some dedicated people that would voice upset. Its just that bad. I don't know why they created it. Its really common sense that if you design a PvP to be inherently unbalanced for the sake of some kind of challenge, it's going to flop as bad as Trials has. It just doesn't matter the mode, or game, 100% of PvP HAS to be relatively balanced to succeed. Nobody will engage something they know is basically a guaranteed failure. It's too much wasted stress and time for 99% of gamers, minus comparatively very few elites.



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