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由Enjra编辑: 4/23/2024 7:41:49 PM

Soft Locked from a 50-Wave Legend Onslaught Clear

Got to 50th Wave in Legend Onslaught, was ready for final boss. No Portal. No rally. No "nut relics" to open the door. Pulled out Wish-Ender and the enemies weren't even on the other side of the door. What we did: 1. Teammates Alt+F4'd, hoping Portal would spawn while I'm alone (maybe someone was lagging). 2. Shot myself with a rocket to respawn inside the Pyramid with my teammates when they rejoined (maybe only the Portal was bugged) 3. Waited 5+ minutes for the Rally and "nut relics" to spawn (maybe it was a server lag). Still nothing. We just ended it by wiping. Sucks seeing "Waves Cleared: 49:"



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