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由IILoftyII编辑: 4/25/2024 3:55:50 PM

Trials Flawless Glow Bugged?

Does anyone know if the Trials glow issue has been addressed? When I went Flawless last month, I could see the glow on my character, ghost, and ship, but my clanmates couldn't. I know this isn't a high priority now, but for one of the game's most difficult activities, I would really appreciate being able to show off the results of my grind. Is this a bug or a feature? Are Lighthouse glows only meant to be seen by the person who earned them? Seems silly, honestly. If this issue has not been addressed, please look into fixes when you're able @bungie @moderator. Flawless weapons are nice, but I love having more to show for my victories. Thank you for your time.



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