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4/19/2024 9:06:45 AM

Bug Exotique Quest Malfeasance

Hello, first of all I’m not English so I apologize in advance for the spelling mistakes. I contact you today to ask for help, it’s been a long year since I play Destiny 2 and since the very beginning I dream of getting the gun "Malfeasance". But unfortunately my quest is completely buggy for many years and my main problem is that the first time I tried to do it and I was preparing to finish I bought a coating with 700 of argentum for this revolver but unfortunately after Having bought it I realized that my quest was completely buggy. So I end up with a coating that I paid for without the weapon to equip it. So I tried many times to delete the quest to start again but it never worked every time I’m blocked a step that does not want to move forward. The stage that does not want to advance is not always the same but most of the time it is stage 5 out of 7 (the one where you have to win in gambit and recover particles without dying ). So I manage to recover all the particles and increase the progress bar to 100%, but the Gambit win progress bar is absolutely not moving and it remains at 0%. So I really need your help to know why my quest is buggy and how esque I can solve this problem, 'cause I really wish I could use that gun and the coating I bought. Thank you in advance for your reply.



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