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4/16/2024 4:36:36 AM

I have yet to get a single good roll on a brave weapon, never mind shiny

It’s excruciatingly demoralizing that I have put nearly 20 hours into leveling up my shaxx rank (bounties, onslaught, etc) and haven’t anything to show from it. F the shiny ornaments, I can’t even obtain a half-decent roll on a recluse for PvP or pve. My friends who just got back into the game after +1 year are getting the rolls I’m chasing after they put the BARE minimum into the game. I’d be fortunate to say this is my first time experiencing L drop rates, but I’ve run VOG +15 times and sherpa’d those same buddies who got vex in < 2 attempts. However, I don’t believe bungie should take drastic measures and increase the drop rate by a sustancial amount, if at all. A quick suggestion would be beneficial for us grunts grinding away to get a guaranteed shiny drop after “X” many shaxx reputation points. I have been enjoying this update, just had to share my two cents; stay well guardians!



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  • Edge transit attuned… redeemed over 100 chests by shax and not 1 shiny. Even worse…. 1-10 drops is edge transit. So what’s the point of attuning if it will never drop what I want. Shax engrams also never drop what I have attuned. And no shinys. Fix the damn game bungie this is b.s!!!! I’m literally wasting my time playing this dead -blam!- game



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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