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由Alchemill编辑: 4/6/2024 10:56:30 PM

✨ Nerf Conditional Finality! ✨

You want me to believe that it’s not a meta-defying weapon when literally everybody in their grandma constantly runs around with it, like there isn’t a special ammo transmat meter? I swear to God, I die from conditional more than any other gun in the game, it’s much more annoying to deal with it now because you can’t predict whether some little shitter has two shots of conditional or 12 shots. Genuinely makes me wonder why we even have a special transmit system to begin with, when it seems like 9 times out of 10 someone always has ammo for conditional. Not to mention, it literally can instant kill every super in the game. Don’t know why I bothered coming back to this game. it’s actually so depraving to play PVP. I guess the solution to “fixing PVP” was to make zero skill gaps whatsoever. I literally let my eight-year-old cousin who is just now getting into fps games play with conditional this season (after sandbox changes) and in one sitting He went on “a we ran outta medals” but I’m crazy right? Glad to know bungie still doesn’t have the slightest clue how to balance their game. 👏🏻 - Thoughts? V



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  • I don't have it, I get nuked by it in Crucible but I am against a nerf. Stop -blam!- and crying for nerfs and just find a way to counter it... If you're putting yourself within shotgun range when you know people are running around with it, that's on you. Stop -blam!- for nerfs of everything that kill you.



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