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由Rams编辑: 3/28/2024 3:21:24 PM

Tips for Trials

This is all coming from a console player who has been playing trials since destiny 1. I started off being really bad, to the point where I genuinely could not get kills in PvP, but improved over time by playing. Here are some tips I recommend if you are struggling with trials and genuinely want to get better. 1: Don’t leave games when you go down a few rounds. Trials can be annoying, and can seem unfair, but doing this can stop you from getting wins that you could have gotten. The amount of games that I’ve gone down a round or two and my teammate has left, is very high, and even then sometimes we still win the 2v3. Losing a few rounds right away could be a fluke, don’t make the mistake of thinking that means you cannot win. 2: Put on proper loadouts, everyone else is going to be using the best of the best loadouts, and if you need it, you should too. Going into trials with whatever weapons you like is not helping you. 3: Keep an eye on your teammates and where they are. Move with them, play with them, team shot with them. 4: You do not always need to play the zone, sometimes getting a kill and getting a better position is better. Don’t be afraid to wait and then push in when the zone is getting ready to spawn. 5: If something doesn’t work, wether that be peeking a certain lane, using a certain weapon, or whatever else it might be, try switching things up. 6: Getting a kill is not always the most important thing to do, play your life. Don’t run into the enemy teams area and go for a trade. A kill is nice, but not when we go down a teammate and the enemy can revive. 7: Adept loot really isn’t that much better than regular weapons. If you really don’t like the gamemode, don’t play it, it isn’t worth it. 8: Trials is not the type of gamemode you go into to learn and try new weapons. You are not doing yourselves any favours by practicing in trials. Feel free to add some more in the replies if you think i missed any. I will probably add more when I think of them.



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