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由Rams编辑: 3/28/2024 3:21:24 PM

Tips for Trials

This is all coming from a console player who has been playing trials since destiny 1. I started off being really bad, to the point where I genuinely could not get kills in PvP, but improved over time by playing. Here are some tips I recommend if you are struggling with trials and genuinely want to get better. 1: Don’t leave games when you go down a few rounds. Trials can be annoying, and can seem unfair, but doing this can stop you from getting wins that you could have gotten. The amount of games that I’ve gone down a round or two and my teammate has left, is very high, and even then sometimes we still win the 2v3. Losing a few rounds right away could be a fluke, don’t make the mistake of thinking that means you cannot win. 2: Put on proper loadouts, everyone else is going to be using the best of the best loadouts, and if you need it, you should too. Going into trials with whatever weapons you like is not helping you. 3: Keep an eye on your teammates and where they are. Move with them, play with them, team shot with them. 4: You do not always need to play the zone, sometimes getting a kill and getting a better position is better. Don’t be afraid to wait and then push in when the zone is getting ready to spawn. 5: If something doesn’t work, wether that be peeking a certain lane, using a certain weapon, or whatever else it might be, try switching things up. 6: Getting a kill is not always the most important thing to do, play your life. Don’t run into the enemy teams area and go for a trade. A kill is nice, but not when we go down a teammate and the enemy can revive. 7: Adept loot really isn’t that much better than regular weapons. If you really don’t like the gamemode, don’t play it, it isn’t worth it. 8: Trials is not the type of gamemode you go into to learn and try new weapons. You are not doing yourselves any favours by practicing in trials. Feel free to add some more in the replies if you think i missed any. I will probably add more when I think of them.



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  • Tip 1: If you use coconut oil, it will slide into the garbage easier.



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  • 1. Stay with your team unless you have a clear advantage of being to push and know you can hold yourself in said 1v1. That’s it, literally that’s it.



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  • Don't block your teammate from getting behind cover. Seriously can't believe how many times I've had a teammate push me out of cover when I'm peek shooting or sprint straight into me when I'm trying to escape and survive.



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    • #2 is huge. Also watch your team’s loadouts. If they’re running scouts or long range autos and youre the only one with a sub and a shotgun, get out of their lane so they can shoot. Saw so many people last weekend running into the middle alone when their teammates were not equipped for it. You’re just farming your team



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    • I dont play trials, but here are a few common sense tips that would help. Avoid tilt. Try to mentally reset each round, and approach it with the same intensity that you would the first round. Whether you are up or down in the game. Dont "yell" at teammates. If you are losing, they are too. Think what you can do better to work with them rather than what they are doing wrong. Play your life, and help keep your teammates alive. If a teammate goes down, often the enemy will have a mental edge and collapse on the remaining players. Avoid playing alone, good teams will recognize that one player is separated, and isolate them further and get an easy pick. Provide aggro/covering fire. Standing far behind your teammates, without engaging turns a 3v3 into a 2v3 despite you being there. If you are not engaging at all in the battle until after 2 teammates are dead, then you are not contributing to chip damage that can make a difference. Think about the weak side of the positioning. Forward players will have their eyes focused on what is in front of them, and are less able to cover their side. Watch their side angles and protect that weak side while they rotate. If your team gets an early pick, rotate to protect the res. This is often more important than the zone if it is early in the round. If your team is already capping the zone, then try to cover the res but dont leave the teammate stranded on the zone to do so. The enemy will either need to play the zone or the res, and if its 3v2, its actually 2v2 with one player on the zone. Only one player needs to be ON the zone, the other two should cover the angles of approach to the zone rather than stand on it with them. One good grenade could wipe the zone out.



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      • 4

        Lore-meister -

        Avoid the mode would be best advice



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        10 回复
        • 9: (A tip for bungie) dont make the map Multiplex or any other oversized map thats too big for 6v6 let alone 3v3, also do not make the map of the week a map that is almost universally hated.



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          • Watch fallen enemy bodies. Dont get fooled into running off and losing sight of a possible revive. Its a total momentum swing and can easily cost you the game because you got impatient watching over it.



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            • This thread, should be protected and kept alive for future players to read. Gg.



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            • 由maddie编辑: 3/29/2024 7:14:47 PM
              9. don’t take the game as serious as the last 8 tips. it’s just a game, an old one at that. use whatever you want and enjoy(: being good at a video does absolutely nothing for you in this life. also, there are so many cheaters in PC lobbies, it’s not worth trying.



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              • Map control is so crucial.



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                • 3 can’t stress enough how important this is Just a little help can completely change the outcome. You wanna work with your teammates whenever you can, of course do prioritize living as who’s helping who can swap really fast.



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                • In addition to loadouts, stats matter. Having high intellect almost guarantees supers in the later rounds and those supers often dictate the match winner. Use the meta - it’s the meta because it works. Positioning is incredibly important. Don’t challenge fights out in the open with no cover available. Flanking doesn’t always work especially if you do it every single round and become predictable. When you take space from the enemy team and lock it down, it forces them to have to make the move which is often uncoordinated in solo queue. Prioritize objectives. If you have good zone control, lock it down. If you have an enemy down, cover the revive and take that space from the enemy. Don’t freely give up heavy. Even if just to contest it while your team caps point.



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                  8 回复
                  • Here's another tip: get some loot and get out. There's too many cheaters these days.



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                  • 5. 555555. FIVE. FIIIIIIIVE. READ NUMBER FIVE AGAIN. [spoiler]Number 5[/spoiler] [spoiler]But also 8.[/spoiler]



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                    • 由Zodleon编辑: 3/29/2024 1:03:10 PM
                      You should rarely ever be whole *** in a lane, if you start losing a gunfight, be ready to get to cover. Hopefully, that's Cross laned by a teamate, so they can cover your recovery. A lot of the time if you hear ppl shooting you should be trying to get an angle to help, flank, or cover. Never just be standing around waiting for something to happen. Adv tip: Sounds ques are Criminally underutilized, and adjusting your audio to be able to hear jumps can give you a lot if information.



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                    • I would also say playing to the strengths of your weapon is very important. For example, if you were to run a 120 rpm hand cannon, it would be better to put in chunk damage by peek shooting rather than staying out in the open and try and out-ttk an auto riddle (you will probably lose as 120 rpm hand cannons have one of the slower ttk’s.) Another strength of a 120 rpm hand cannon is that they have generous range which helps them excel in the upper mid range engagements however it is more difficult to hit shots up close due to the high recoil and lower fire rate. You would have to take this into account when considering weapon pairings or what part of the map you are going to play.



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                    • For anyone lucky enough to read this, STAY AWAY! You’re welcome



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                      • Worst part it, many people expect to be done after 2 card resets. Sometimes you play all afternoon. I once resetted 6 times before my flawless run came. Patience is key and common sense even more. Trials in solo and duo que is one big roll of the dice from time to time. That being said, I have seen many loadouts where I questioned the idea behind it. Including a high impact pulse combined with a high impact auto rifle combined with striker titan. One of many examples. Trials is not the Playlist to be goofy unless you are really good. And even then it will be hard to do. Trials is again, a Playlist that gives sometimes a -blam!- ton of loot but if adepts only interest you, you are bound to be disappointed



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                        • I gave up any willing participation in that playlist. Never played. Probably never will. Record is 0 for lifetime.



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