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由Adranelyne编辑: 3/27/2024 5:00:47 PM

Tεmρεst • Recruiting 5 PVP Players

[b][u]What we’re looking for;[/u][/b] • Proven PVP players who are excellent at their craft and excel in both Competitive and Trials of Osiris. • The ability to carry in Trials. • Mature, chill players who aren’t in this for ego. [b][u]What you would get out of it:[/u][/b] • PVE players who can return the favor of carrying through raids/GMs. • Discord with all the resources any player would need. • A PVP role in the Discord exclusive to these 5 players. What this could be is a mutually beneficial partnership between PVP and PVE players who trade carries on both sides to get the loot each other are looking for. Obviously if you’re a PVP player that also plays PVE this may or may not be a good fit, but for those that focus on PVP and don’t raid or run GMs (but want to), this could be a good fit. Feel free to DM me on here or add me on Discord (Adranelyne) to discuss.
#Clans #PvP #trials



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