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2/15/2024 9:23:55 AM

Master Dungeons Not Accessable

I've noticed that the Master difficulty for dungeons is not available on any of the dungeons except for the newest one (Warlords Ruin). The option to choose the difficulty does not show up when launching the dungeon. Only the regular version is available. Because of this, it is impossible to complete the master completion triumphs and seals associated with some of the dungeons from the past couple of years if you hadn't done them already. Is this normal and it is only available on the newest and featured dungeon of the week? Or is this a bug?



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  • 由viiTactiiCZz编辑: 2/15/2024 9:29:17 AM
    Thats how the rotation works. Weekly featured dungeon has master available if it has that option - most recent has it always available. Right now the featured dungeon is Prophecy (no master), so to do ghosts/spire/duality on master you need to wait until they are the weekly featured dungeon



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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