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2/11/2024 12:20:03 PM

Some bugs and issues

Was looking for a space that would be slightly more direct or private, but since it doesn't really exist here we are -Cryothesia 77k can sometimes repeatedly scope in and out when both the trigger and ADS button was being held down, delaying reloading as long as it is being held down. This is rare to somewhat regular, as you would have to aim in at almost the exact same time as a bullet is being fired, but not necessarily being frame perfect (with full auto firing on) -With Icefall Mantle, Mayhem does not refill class ability energy so it can be turned off after it has been turned on -With Icefall Mantle, Sprinting (somehow) exactly after its deactivation can rarely/once in a blue moon cause the player to be locked at their walking speed, making things very awkward -With Icefall Mantle, surges will always take precedent over the escalating chance that Icefall Mantle would generate a stronger surge, inverse to how other damage buffs interact in game -With Icefall Mantle, Shiver Strike combined with the activation of Icefall Mantle cannot freeze, despite the inherent synergy of getting in close to use both (not a super bad thing, but felt kinda like a wasted opportunity) -With Lion Rampant, Aiming down sights and activating your jump ability at the same time can always cause the exotic perk not to function during the duration that the jump lasts -Either internet traffic spikes or framerate drops can sometimes cause player hitboxes to be different from where they actually appear -Having used this one to great effect before, Strand titan melees can sometimes adjust the head and body hitbox to the side to a severe margin, being able to dodge aggressive frame shotguns almost entirely at ~0.5-0.9 meters -The turning radius to Jotun's projectile can sometimes just not work as intended, although this may just be its work at range (Best guesstimate is like 15? meters. I was in the air all 5 or so times I avoided it) that may cause this -Having observed this several times, as either a visual bug or gameplay bug, it is possible to heal to full health after any kill (that isn't on a void subclass). However, this may just be a packet loss check detracting all bullets fired at the target, leaving the opponent spotless after the allies death -Going from previously every kill/death to every so often, there are a few frames/quarter-seconds where the player character is still alive as the server checks for packet loss or other errors with player health that is noticeable. This isn't going away anytime soon -The "Howl of the Storm" Aspect can be... very interesting to say the least: (as) *it is possible to activate it near a ledge and freeze a target that happens to be below you (or at the same height, but at the width and length of about two of the stasis crystals *it is possible to not freeze a target at the tail end of the stasis chain (this may be intended) *it is possible to be unable to secure any melee kills to any frozen target in PvP (but this may be resilience based/mod based) *it is possible, near the edges of walls, to freeze a target and generate no stasis crystals *it is possible to freeze a target point blank, out of range of any crystals (that should have killed me before I froze them, but I seemingly had ping advantage to my experiences) -During Glacial Quake, Howl of the Storm may take more energy than a slam or Shiver Strike (on solid evidence? shaky. but did it feel like it? Yes) -Hitting players (directly, with the grenade projectile itself, not a crystal) with the Glacier Grenade has a chance to not freeze the hit player when it starts to go off -Some shotguns can outrange the Melee Damage resistance mod despite its inherent Close-Quarters activation against all damage types -This may be fixed, but as of Season of Deep Palmyra-B is too weak to activate Chill Clip (properly, it activates at least a few stacks, but not as much as Bump In The Night) -Tangles are not counted as constructs, but as non-enemy "interactable" objects. This is significant for the use of "The Sundering" perk on Warlords Ruin strand weapons being inapplicable for most use-cases -Being unable to see subclass specific pickups on other subclasses, so that I would know that my ally isn't just running to some random corner because they had seen a squirrel (note: left as a mark on the ground, similar to when a stasis crystal is destroyed, when it cant be picked up so as to not seem distracting or confusing as to why a stasis subclass can see someone else's firesprites) Unrelated but significant. May migrate these in due time: -Being unable to see the weapons that had assisted in your defeat is partially annoying (specifically, bow swap loadouts) -Being unable to see the weapons' perks that had defeated you would save some time in identifying their roll at a glance rather than praying that you can swap fast enough to their profile in the socials tab



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