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由Seiryoku编辑: 1/13/2024 2:52:22 AM

Story Telling has been much better of late

These last few seasons have been good, story telling wise. I enjoy most of the NPCs portrayal and changing over time. I didn't very much enjoy Nimbus as they were impetuous, immature, and plain obnoxious. The loss of Rohan was hardly impactful for the player and predictable as well. But the seasons (other than the pirates themed one) have been thoroughly enjoyable. I liked the gear from the pirates stuff, but didn't care for the activity or story all too much. The diving wasn't really my cup of tea either, but the season of the Witch and Wish have been very fun. The settings, the story telling. A lot to enjoy here. Coil is dope and rewarding for time invested with just the right amount of challenge. Eris was awesome. We have come a long way from "I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain." Thank you for that, Bungie



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