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由SlyJudgment编辑: 12/5/2023 8:58:43 PM

Bows might become meta and will ruin PVP if not adjusted for primary play.

This might be a hot topic, but I think bows need to be looked at, as they are proving to be a little too strong at this level of PVP. There are no repercussions for missing as they have infinite ammo and can two-shot body shot at an immense range. Something has to be done with them to make them more challenging and worthwhile; while being used in PVP. Checkmate and all the current game modes have made them very strong and could spill over into a meta that will not be fun to play against. They were frustrating before and now are becoming problematic as we move to a more primary-based PVP. And if people think this is crazy, look at it like this. If you can put perks on a bow, that can reduce its pullback time to shoot. You can two-shot a player before they can officially react. A hand cannon cannot even outgun a bow. You must first shoot them with a bow, to win a gunfight, so people have started to run bows more often to combat bows. I have been playing PVP since the start of the game, and I have noticed this trend ever since they have started to nerf weapons and not balance others to combat potential meta's. I understand they are trying to make it fair for others to play the game, but please look at the weapons that haven't turned up on your radar, like bows. Because now they have gotten really strong in this meta, almost unplayable in game modes dependent on primaries.



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