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12/5/2023 1:33:32 PM

Xbox 1 issue

I understand that I'm on a dying console but over the past 2 weeks or so I haven't even been able to play destiny, it takes sometimes 10 minutes to load into the game then if I'm actually lucky enough to get into the new campaign it doesn't load properly and loses sound and the game will crash after about 10 minutes of being in the game, I chalked it up to time to get next gen or PC, however I can load into and play every single other game that I have with no issues. And one more thing totally off topic, this may have a little bit to do with your preorder sales, Xbox won't let me preorder the final shape because of me using a cash app card, even though I have direct deposit on it, and last year I pre-ordered light fall just fine a couple months ahead of time. Thank you



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