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9/21/2023 4:47:01 PM

Question on how often bungie account can be linked

Hello, my psn account is currently locked for 1-3 business days. My bungie account is currently linked to my locked account. If I link my bungie account to a new psn account will i be able to immediately link it back to the locked account once it’s unlocked? I know for epic games accounts can only be linked to a new account once every 12 months so I wanted to double check before migrating. Thanks! Cheers! Bless you all! And hopefully these ddos attacks stop so I can get back to grinding comp.



遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

  • 由viiTactiiCZz编辑: 9/21/2023 4:57:48 PM
    If you mean for cross-save, there is a 90 day lockout for reactivating it (after deactivating) and a 90 day lockout for deactivating if silver was purchased (starting from the date it was purchased)



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

  • Hello there[url=],[/url] [quote][b][u]What actions can limit my use of Cross Save?[/u][/b] The following actions will impact a player’s ability to enable or disable Cross Save: - Players who disable Cross Save cannot re-enable Cross Save until 90 days after it was disable - Players who purchase Silver cannot disable Cross Save until 90 days after the Silver was purchased - Players who perform a refund for purchased Silver cannot activate Cross Save until that Silver is re-purchased for that account - Players subject to a ban or restriction cannot activate Cross Save, or disable Cross Save if already active, until that ban or restriction has expired[/quote] [url=]Source[/url]



    遵守游戏礼仪。发送贴子前请花点时间阅读我们的行为准则 取消 编辑 创建火力战队 贴子

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