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9/20/2023 5:47:43 AM

Crafted weapon incan not working? Might've just missed the tweet.

Might just be blind, but did I miss a list of disabled perks for crafting? Noticed incandescent on crafted weapons, at least those made before (or while it existed but was unknown) the crafting glitch is not working. Haven't tested to see if a new craft will have a functioning incandescent. Other crafted perks were working, such as surplus and grave robber, so I know it wasn't just the whole perk pool being turned off. I know "Osteo Striga, Revision Zero, Dead Man’s Tale, Dead Messenger, Vexcalibur, and all three Exotic class glaives" have had their crafting disabled, but I haven't been able to find any extended list about the "Legendary frames and perks" that were disabled. Was incandescent on that list or did it unintentionally get hit? Know it's gotta be crazy at Bungie right now, but keep up the great work guys.



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  • [quote]UPDATE: In the first of multiple updates, which is going live shortly, a selection of Exotic and Legendary frames and perks on crafted weapons will be temporarily disabled. Crafted weapons can still be equipped.[/quote]



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