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9/13/2023 7:54:54 PM

Cannot proceed with either Season of the Deeps story nor Season of the Witchs story

Hello! I encountered a fairly unique problem, I assume. I have not finished last seasons story and have been finished quests here and there while actively playing Season of the Witch. Now I am on Step 25 of "The Bladed Path" in which I need to meet up with Ikora in "The Plunge" on the Helm. On Season of the Deeps story "Into the Depths" I am also on step 25, telling me to witness a conversation at the portal that leads to "The Plunge". Unfortunately no NPCs are present and the portal to "The Plunge" does not work anymore, so I cannot proceed any of the story quests. I already tried dispatching them and reaquiring them, just having one or the other in my inventory - to no avail. Any help is much appreciated!



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