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9/15/2023 12:44:17 AM

Name change bug, BUNGIE please read!

The other day my name was changed to (ex.“guardian1234”) and I got a notification upon logging with it saying 1 of 2 things. 1: you’re logging in for the first time. 2: you recently changed your bungie name. First one being wrong due to being a D1 player, and the second is also wrong because I had changed my name around the beginning of Lightfall’s launch. I’m not sure what could’ve caused this or if it was reported. I’d think I would’ve gotten a notification or even an email about it being reported. If possible I’d like it to be reverted/changed to my gamer tag, or even given another name change to be able to change it to something that isn’t (ex. “Guardian1243”). Could it possibly be a bug? Or would it have been reported?



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