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8/9/2023 9:05:11 PM

Pitch of New Mode + Suggestion of One QOL feature

Hello, dear Bungie people! I'll be brief with two suggestions that I think can improve the Destiny 2 experience, but if you think I can be of more help, I will be happy to contribute. [b]Suggestion 1 - Quality of Life Improvement: [/b] [b]How it is today: [/b] Generally, during the loading screens for some destination, we are looking at the menus, whether organizing our loadout, checking bounties, changing a shader, reading some lore entry, and we are interrupted and removed from the menu as soon as the destination loads . This forces us to reopen the menu, locate where we were, if we change the guardian's look, we have to redo the changes that were not saved from the beginning, we have to find again where we had stopped in the lore entry. [b]Improvement suggestion:[/b] Remove this function of taking us out of the menu as soon as the destination loads or add an option for those who want to deactivate it to be able to do it at any time. I understand that this happens because there may be some danger around the landing area but I would like to take responsibility for this choice. [b]Suggestion 2 - New Mode: Master of Encounters[/b] [b]Summary:[/b] The mode consists of two teams competing for who has the best score/time in a given raid encounter. [b]Maps: [/b]the maps you already have, each "stage" would be an isolated encounter of a raid, being able to be chosen from a list or be automatically defined by Bungie (as it is with Nightfalls maps). The job would be to create these "chapters" that start with the starting point of a specific encounter in a raid and end with the defeat of the boss of that encounter. [b]Loot:[/b] for the winning team, a new roll of a weapon or armor that players have already acquired in the complete raid could drop. [b]Mode Highlights[/b]: Creating a competitive "mode" within PVE, without putting guardian vs guardian directly. Stimulate specific builds for these stages. Stimulate teamwork and formation of expert clans in the mode. Encouraging challenges between Destiny 2 content creators. Encouraging the creation of official championships. Possible integrations with seasonal Destiny events. Yet another way to acquire loot from raids if you don't have time available for the full raid. Fire up game streams by watching the competition between teams. Creation of a ranking (daily? weekly?) of the main teams. That's it. Thank you for your attention in advance! Cheers, guys!



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