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7/20/2023 9:12:49 PM

QoL updates for Gambit

Gambit needs improvement and these ideas may give it some much-needed CPR, and probably take it in a better direction than it currently is. (Also I was drunk when writing this, somehow it made more sense then and still does now) 1. [b]Bounties[/b] need to be more meaningful than just granting XP whenever are being completed. They need to bring back the weekly/daily bounties that rewarded a legendary piece of gear and gave you reputation progress towards the activity especially when you are trying to rank up when it's not a "[i][b]Double Reputation[/b][/i]" activity week. (This could also be used in Vanguard Ops, Crucible, and Trials, [i]especially[/i] in Trials) 2. [b]Taken Blockers[/b]. Seriously you guys have plenty of taken enemies that are underutilized that can become blockers and be able to improve the summon of taken could be a bit more randomized instead of the usual three (Goblin, Phalanx, and Knight). There could be a lot of mix-and-match when summoning blockers a little variety is great for the long run. The 20 motes summon blockers need to make a return and you could add and improve them a bit. Fight a Taken Hydra or Colossus (summon by depositing 20 motes) shoot there could be a secret/rare summon like the meatball or an echo of Oryx when depositing 20 motes. 3. We need an update on the enemies that we have been fighting. Don't get me wrong I don't mind fighting the same enemy since Gambit dropped in Forssaken but it has gotten stale after a while. I would love to fight the updated versions of the [b]Fallen (Beyond Light)[/b], [b]Hive (Shadowkeep/Witch Queen)[/b], and [b]Cabal (Lightfall)[/b]. I do know it will increase the challenge when fighting the updated versions also it doesn't mean to sunset the og enemies, just let the OG enemies be able to have [b]champions[/b] corresponding to their faction to the update. 4. We need the 2 sunset maps from Gambit([b]Cathedral of Scars[/b] and [b]Kell's Grave[/b]) and hopefully a new map. It is really painful playing the same maps since Beyond Light (Yes, if you are a crucible main and you want to argue bout this I will say that at least you guys have [b]25[/b] maps, we have [i][b]4[/b][/i] cut us some slack here). Hopefully, the older maps can come back, with better improvements, and if there is really a miracle a new map/s that is a theme by the Nine's world (They can use the Prophecy dungeon and Crucible maps as a reference) or the Vex Network for a Vex Theme map. 5. Some of the perks from Gambit Prime armor could make a comeback only as a Class item (If I know my guardians right, they have too much stuff in the vault so this will help in not taking too much space). Some of the perks can make a comeback, but not all of them since if you combine it with upcoming seasonal artifact mods would basically make broken builds. The perks need to work when using the class item is being used. For example: [b]Collector[/b]: Picking up 5+ Motes in quick succession gives you an overshield and you can carry up to 20 Motes instead of 15. Depositing 20 Motes at once sends a Giant Blocker to the enemy arena. [b]Invader[/b]: Regenerate Special ammo while invading and You’ll lock down the enemy bank when you invade. Standing near the bank will drain Motes for your own team. [b]Reaper[/b]: Damaging a non-Primeval yellow-bar enemy — like the High-value Target — marks and weakens them for you and your allies and Killing powerful enemies quickly recharges your abilities. [b]Sentry[/b]: Standing near the bank heals you and Damaging the Invader marks them for allies This could be an excellent time to bring [i][b]Exotic Class items[/b][/i] back. With perks like increases reputation gains from an Activity (Vanguard Ops, Crucible, Trials, and Gambit) and weapon experience for leveling up. These are some of the ideas I am coming up with so Gambit can prove. I still have a bit more on Gambit and other pillars of Destiny but these are the main ones I would love to see some of them being implemented. I know that there will be a lot of negativity about this but hey I am at least trying to give out some helpful feedback on an activity that I enjoy playing.



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