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6/21/2023 7:08:24 PM

A Wheel fell off last night.

Background: I've been playing Destiny since Rise of Iron, when a friend convinced me to buy a ps4 cause I *had* to play this game. Destiny has gotten me through the passing of my father due to Cancer, and many of the darkest days of my life to date. I've said many, many times, "I'm here until the wheels fall off" and last night one did. To be fair, I support and endorse the community's recent bids against the micro transactions and predatory monetization practices being employed to fund Marathon development. As such I will no longer be purchasing silver for any reason through at least the solstice event, if not forever. Others have said it better, listen to them. Last night's delivery of some of the most literary key elements of this story was utterly terrible. I adore the voice acting, the writing, so much about this story, but "Go do a lost sector to have all your questions answered" was just heart breaking. I logged in, played the story, watched the cutscene, listened to the updated Veil voice lines, logged out and proceeded to customize my UI in Final Fantasy 14 for the next two hours. Tuesday nights I'm usually running through everything thinking about how the world changed little by little and I was so disgusted I couldn't be bothered. The fact that this came months later in a piece of seasonal content that can be purchased separately is disgraceful. Is this what our "cosmetic purchases" buys? A chapter of the story was missing a critical page and you sold us the next book just to get it. Bungie, you know how to make good stories and how to pace them, you hide tidbits of lore in the real world, behind tiny hard to explore places, behind epic cinematic boss battles where we feel like the fate of the universe is in our hands and last night you served it on a silver platter already chewed for us. Please, do better.



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