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由Cynecdoche编辑: 6/8/2023 2:24:41 PM

Bungie name change not saving

I'm trying to change my bungie name, but the changed username isn't saving. My one-time name change hasn't been used, since my current bungie name was picked straight from my old platform name with no issues. I know from seeing other posts on this matter that this probably means my desired name is (for some reason) getting flagged by the banned name filters, but could someone who can actually see what these filters are confirm this for me? (And maybe also let me know what the issue is so that I can avoid it when I'm trying to pick another name?) The name I'm trying to change to is "Cynecdoche". Edit: I just checked back and it looks like the change did in fact go through, it just wasn't updating in my browser. Forum mods feel free to lock/remove this post.



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