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由BlitzWolf69编辑: 5/31/2023 9:08:32 PM

Loadouts Not Changing Armor Ornaments/Mods (HELP!)

I'm having this weird issue where, when I swap between loadouts, it won't change all of my ornaments despite the loadouts showing each ornament and shader and so on. More often than not, it's the arms that won't change but it will do it with legs and helmet, too. Anybody else having this problem? It's really starting to get on my nerves to have to change the ornaments and shaders over and over again whenever I swap loadouts.



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  • I still haven't gotten any response to this here or from Bungie Help on twitter. Does anybody know if this is a known issue for them or if it's something I have to do to fix it. Please help.



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    1 回复
    • Another update that includes video proving it is, in fact, a bug in the game and it's extremely annoying. You can clearly see the ornaments are different between each loadout I select but, randomly, the arms or the helmet or something won't update to the selected loadout. I had also forgotten that it will randomly say it can't equip the Skullfort exotic helmet but will equip it anyways. Can somebody PLEASE tell me what's going on? Give me an update? Just even F*****G acknowledge this issue?



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    • I have noticed that my loadout names are changing. I have 5 load outs per character and they are labeled solar, void, etc. But I noticed solar name was changed to crucible and arc was changed to void. Weird. I haven’t noticed the mods not switching but haven’t really paid attention



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    • UPDATE 3: So, not only will it NOT change ornaments but it actually won't change the mods out, either. So, I'm basically just doing them individually as if the loadouts weren't even a thing. Can I PLEASE get some help here?!



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    • I haven't had this problem but my guns will randomly unlock themselves



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