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5/22/2023 1:03:30 PM

Kings Fall Raid keeps crashing game

ISSUE: Every time my fireteam would load into Kings fall week of 5/16, we would land at the opening encounter... within about 20-30 seconds it would crash at least 4 or 5 peoples games. We would try to load in again, and it would just continue to keep kicking multiple people and crashing the entire game REPRO STEPS: 1. Fireteam of 6 - Load into Kings Fall 2. Try and put a rally flag down 3. Get kicked. 4. Be sad =( ACTUAL RESULT: The game keeps crashing regardless of how many times we try to load in. EXPECTED RESULT: To actually start the raid without getting kicked LINKS: Unfortunately, I did not record it. But I have seen reports on twitter of a similar bug NOTES: Entire fireteam was on Console. Mix of PS4, PS5 and Xbox



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