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5/15/2023 10:13:40 PM

Missing purchased Festival of the Lost ornament (NOT the helmet)

The base FoTL helmet works as expected, and I am able to wear it and swap all other ornaments that have been purchased from the eververse on my account. However, despite showing up in collections (and wearing it for a good part of my recent crucible career), the starhorse mask specifically does not appear in the available ornaments for the mask itself. To be clear, I have the mask, I am able to wear it. However, this one specific ornament is no longer equippable despite it appearing in my collections tab and having purchased and worn it for an extended period of time previously. I am unable to pull it from collections as it is an ornament, and it has not been deleted in any way by me as it should be impossible to delete ornaments from an account. To be even more clear, This is NOT an item that can be pulled from collections OR an item that can be deleted, by virtue of it being an [i]ornament[/i] I attempted to reach out using the missing eververse item contact form but was just told to pull it from collections and that bungie will not reinstate deleted items despite the fact that it is impossible to delete OR pull from collections



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