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5/11/2023 2:57:10 PM

We need to be able to equip two Exotics

I’ve been a big fan of Destiny since the end of 2014 and a consistent problem it’s always had is the meta. It shifts constantly and hard usually due to exotics outperforming others in their class which leads to the majority of people that play that class using that exotic for most of whatever content they play. (Looking at you Starfire) Bungie probably doesn’t like this because it means that we have less that we want to grind for so we play the game less. A lot of more “hardcore” players myself included would say that they don’t really like that either. Diversity is fun. So exotics get nerfed hard in order for other exotics to have a chance. I don’t think this is the way to go about it. Something that I think would instantly and forever fix this problem for Bungie and for both sides of the community is letting us have two exotic armor pieces at the same time. The build diversity would instantly go through the roof. I can’t speak much for Hunter or Titan because I’ve spent little time on them compared to Warlock and I also can’t speak on PvP because I don’t play it, but as far as a Warlock in PvE goes, you’d barely ever see the same build twice. Even if Starfire didn’t get nerfed and continued to be a top pick you’d see so many different choices for the second exotic in the build; Boots of the Assembler, The Stag, Lunafaction Boots, or Eye of Another World just to name a few. The potential viability added to Exotics that are generally seen as a wasted slot would be huge. Vesper of Radius would be S tier instantly if Getaway Artist could be used with it, especially after Vesper’s upcoming buff. Secant Filaments are very situational currently, but could be a killer pick for most content if paired with Sanguine Alchemy, another pretty bad exotic on its own probably even after the buff. Wings of Sacred Dawn and Rain of Fire are both a waste of an exotic on their own, but combined would be one of the most fun play styles in the game and actually viable too. Builds that you already know and love could also be amplified by an added exotic. Necrotic Grip and Osteo on Broodweaver with the new and improved Chromatic Fire would be awesome. Sunbracers and Verity’s Brow would put Starfire to absolute shame. I know it might make the game too easy but then just give enemies more health. I really think this is the only way to truly save the balance and build diversity issue in the game. Please share your thoughts below and thank you for reading.



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