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5/1/2023 12:13:12 AM
What is your problem with giving a guaranteed drop for an activity? I grinded away in the stupid weekly campaign mission for 2hours last night, 8 or so clears from hero up thru master difficulty. And only one measly ascendant alloy drops. Ffs, I will keep playing your game if I can put enhanced perks on? Like I'm not gonna get an alloy and decide l, oh that's enough d2 for life now. Lmao. At this rate I'm getting PTSD because you are forcing me to watch Rohan die over and over and over and over. And I get glimmer and Shitty legendary armour, master at the very least, should be better. Or out more ways to get the alloy in the game maybe? At better than rng drop rate. Give me a hard activity, with a guaranteed drop. Would be amazing. Thanks



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