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由ShadeofArcana编辑: 5/1/2023 12:45:13 PM

Do you have hope for Destiny's story post Final Shape?





I don't know, but I like voting.


I have an opinion, but it's to complicated for the options here.


*yes I know there's a typo in the options, you can blame my phone's auto-uncorrect. Do you have hope for Destiny's story post Final Shape? Tell me why? Me personally, as foolish as it sounds, I will say I have hope for Destiny's story following the Final Shape. If it's anything I have noticed, it's that sone of Destiny's best storytelling seems to happen when it's not clearly attached to the overarching narrative but rather expands something which was previously vague (Forsaken is an excellent example), and thus I think being free from the confines of the Light vs Darkness saga will be a breath of fresh air. There are so many directions one can go without the plot points of tge Witness and company looming overhead. Destiny is a game full of plot hooks and unanswered questions so I doubt the Witness will be the final threat we face. We still have Xivu Arath to deal with, how the Taken and Scorn are going to be affected following the Witness's defeat. There's also Eramis and her followers to worry about, heck the Shadow Legion and unallied Cabal may find a new leader and strike again. There's Mara's Ahamkara egg, the mysterious Aphelion that's some ancient unknown and unseen enemy of the Awoken. I cannot count number of players who would jump for joy to see some story development on SIVA. Beyond that there's the FRIGGING NINE- My point is there's tons of stuff the writers could grab and run with, so much untapped potential provided they actually take the time you go through their mountain of plot hooks and unanswered questions. Seeing questions finally get answers tends to be a keystone of every great dlc that Bungie has produced for Destiny. Every great story usually starts with the question: "what if?" And if there was time to ask that question of it would be immediately following the Final Shape.



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  • At this point, I simply don’t care… I hope the finality is as simple as drinking a cup of tea… That’s if the kettle doesn’t get an error code 😉



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    • The best story tellers and developers left already. The best you can hope for is a half decent cutscene and a cheesy, lazy, anticlimactic ending.



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    • Light n dark saga conclusion is when I'm gonna hang up my hat with this game. I'm still here just to finish what I started in 2013.



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    • I don't even have hope for Final Shape's story right now as things stand.



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    • I this point i want to join the witness and bring upon darkness. Nimbus made me loose hope in humanity with his cringe dialogue.



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    • I have no hope for destiny period. Time for another 2+ year break.



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    • I think it’s safe to say when the latest expansion hits 50% off, that is the time to commit. They have officially missed the mark and are completely out of touch.



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    • 由Just_Too_Sexy编辑: 5/1/2023 9:01:29 PM
      With players barely hanging on for the conclusion of the light and dark saga, my opinion is that this generation of guardians will be done with Destiny after the Final Shape, unless you’re someone that’s in this game only for the crucible, caring nothing for the story or pve.



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    • Story? Yes. Gameplay however? I have zero faith in Bungie's ability to make a well functioning game at this point. They really do get paid WAY too much for what they do, given how bad its already gotten. I have full expectations it will be the worst expansion, just due to technical issues.



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    • If bungie were smart, they would turn the final shape into d3 and close out the final season before then as a cliffhanger leading to d3. The game is ancient in terms of its engine, which needs a drastic update. They're also need to work on their servers as their current systems age is showing badly.



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      11 回复
      • I have no hope for next Season let alone post-Final shape.



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      • I have somewhat but by expectations are incredibly low.. they’ll have to knock my socks off to really surprise me.



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      • "Post," Final Shape? I have no faith left in them at all NOW. Forget waiting for their next batch of overpriced garbage.



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      • It really depends on what they do. Arguably after Final shape’s year we should be forced to make a new guardian. Let our current one become a legend spoken of but they’re to important. Of course that would probably take them making D3 but I feel like after final Shape’s year maybe it would be more acceptable to take a break from the constant content and make that big of a move. At that point it would be a question of funds which we don’t know if they have for such and endeavor. Having to start as a new guardian would also make the reset that comes with a new game easier for players to stomach. If we just stay as the same guardian I’m not sure how well things will go. At what point have you taken on such a big enemy casual enemies would seem a joke to be fighting?



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      • I’ve been around since the start and I’m happy to walk away when the final shape is finished. After all the broken promises, dlcs that failed to come close to living up to the hype, sunsetting, removing content, catering to streamers and elitists, focusing on eververse more than delivering good gear, bugs, glitches and everything else that should never have happened, I have no desire to go through more of the same with a completely new(but not really) story from this studio



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      • The story has been terrible for 9 years. Why would it get any better?



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        • 由TSGN Leviathan编辑: 5/1/2023 10:14:17 AM
          It makes me very sad to admit it but I think Bungie is preparing to abandon destiny after final shape. It is just way too apparent from the level of mediocrity we have been dumped with now. I love this franchise but I don’t think Bungie do anymore. It’s why I have went back to playing a bunch of other games because I am anticipating destiny’s unfortunate end in the near future. I hope I’m wrong but I really don’t think I am. They have become lazy, uninspiring, politically charged, second-rate devs that have shown utter contempt for the destiny player base and I want no part of it. Command & Conquer, Dying Light, Warframe, and several other titles have now attracted my interest and thank god for that.



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        • I don’t even have hope for the story next season.



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        • Lightfall utterly killed any faith I would have had in Destiny. We went from the highs of Witch Queen, to the worst story in Destiny so far. And I don't need to tell anyone what a statement that is. I've stuck through everything. But I'm at the point now where I just don't care. And at this point, I'm convinced Bungie doesn't care either.



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        • 由Hesh编辑: 4/30/2023 2:09:09 PM
          HAH! Hahahahah! Soooooorry, pal! I’m afraid the plot hooks are vastly outnumbered by the plot HOLES! It’s [i]always[/i] been that way! This franchise wouldn’t know good storytellin’ if it hit it square in the jaw! And ya actually [i]believe[/i] Forsaken’s good? After Cayde gettin’ offed by the script requiring him to be stupid??? HAH! On the bright side, I can’t WAIT for The Final Shape! What with all the inconsistencies, plot holes, pacing issues, mishaps and horrible foundations this fictional universe is shakily built on, there’s no WAY they’ll pull it off correctly! It’s gonna be hilaaaarious!



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          8 回复
          • I’ve seen this movie before. We’re not getting squat after TFS. When they say they’ll provide content after TFS, they mean Eververse content. But every time we boot up the game, it’ll have a link to download the new IP, and flash ads for that and some schitty mobile game they puked out for extra cash during the loading screens.



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          • Doubt it. Expect Lightfall/Shadowkeep quality. Nothing major unless their other IPS fail. Destiny is already on life support with a skeleton crew.



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          • It’s just wishful thinking to think that we will still be getting content in the game after final shape (or at least at the same rate) more than likely content drops will slow down severely and switch over to a more 30th anniversary sized content drops every now and then



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          • 由Jeidd编辑: 5/1/2023 1:15:42 AM
            I really hope Final shape campaign story and seasonal stories have that red war kind of feel or something similar to halo reach. Any of those 2 what I’m trying to say is that I don’t want another weenie hut jr kind of story like we did in lightfall. Content wise? no hope it’s probably going to get worse depending on how these seasons go by.



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          • 由BIRB编辑: 5/1/2023 4:03:06 AM
            I do have hopes for final shape because I believe final shape was suppose to be the second half of lightfall. I think it’s clear lightfall got chopped in half to give us another year of destiny. My hypothesis is that this was a last minute decision that left the narrative team scrambling which resulted in this train wreck of a story. Back during the beyond light reveal, lightfall was the end of the road for the light and dark saga. This would imply they already have the conclusion of the story figured out. If that’s the case, I would expect the quality of the story to be on par with beyond light and witch queen which I personally enjoyed. A year later, they revealed the final shape, an additional DLC. Where did this story come from? My guess, out of thin air. This results in lightfall being essentially filler story. I personally think witch queen is some of the best story telling destiny has had. Before that, beyond light was quite good as well. There’s been some very weak story telling in destiny but there’s also been moments where Bungie has shown us they can write good stories. My hope is that they already have the story for final shape fleshed out by this point and it’s just a matter of delivery.



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          • Maybe I just hope it is less than lightfall



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