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4/27/2023 4:09:29 AM

King's Fall crashing since (I assume) last patch.

Hi folks, my fireteam and I have noticed loading into King's Fall crashes the game and boots you to Home screen on both Xbox Series X and PS5. Here are the group details: 3 Xbox Series X players (two crashed when landing or just before landing) (I am one of the players who crashed) 1 Launch Xbox One player (loads in no problem every time) 2 PS5 players (all crash when landing or just before landing) We were using Discord to chat. Not sure if related. When solo loading into King's Fall, I can load in and run around no issue - however, if people join on me, they crash. I personally don't remember crashing if they join on me however. If I join on someone who has solo loaded in, I also crash. When it crashes, the game stutters for a moment then black screens and returns me to Home screen on the Xbox. It seems like this is a recent thing as we were able to jump into King's Fall as a fireteam prior to the patch with no issue.



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