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由Rusho编辑: 4/25/2023 12:53:46 AM

Bungie store not initiating stolen package procedure

I pre-ordered the Hakke Deep Explorer hoodie in July of last year. It finally arrived on April 8th, a Saturday. I was out of the house, and arrived 3-4 hours after the package did. It was missing, to be more accurate, stolen. I've been talking with a bungie store help representative, r e f u s e d to help me since the package "arrived". Got to making a claim with Fedex, and they informed me to initiate a stolen package procedure with the shipper, Bungie Store. I have yet to receive any response from Bungie's Store, and am just writing this in the hopes someone that works here can see this. Feels really bad to wait nearly a year on some exclusive merch just to have it snatched.



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