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4/23/2023 1:39:16 PM

New Trials Matchmaking Thoughts - Capture Point Issues

I've been seeing some mixed reviews on the new connection only based matchmaking in trials this weekend. I decided to test it out for myself. Played probably only 20 games but I'll give my thoughts on this weekend compared to the rest. First, yes it definitely felt like you would get teammates that were just learning how to play when the other team was getting stacked chads. But I did have games where I would stomp too (both when I played solo and as a two stack). But then there were the games where you would be utterly decimated, and on your first game of the card. This was a rare occurrence for me on the old match making. Now, I'm a decent player. I think my trials KD is around a 1.6 or 1.7. I was getting smashed like I forgot how to play. BUT, was there something else going on? When I sat back and thought about it, the people I was facing 9 time out of 10 were beatable. Yes, difficult games, but did they feel any different from the week before at their core? No. I think there was a larger issue... CAPTURE POINT. Now, I'm not against a capture point trials. I think it can be good to force people to play areas of the map that normally isn't played or just to get people moving. BUT, and this is a big but, capture point DISTANT SHORE with random points is awful. There are multiple points where one side has a massive advantage and its completely random. Not to mention bubble titans getting their super before everyone, but that's a whole other issue. I think part...maybe even a majority of my bad experience with the new matchmaking is that it was capture point on distant shore. Also yes I know it switches sides to make it even but what if every time you spawn on the worse side its tunnel point and then when you spawn the good side its river? Makes it a little less even. There has to be maps with evenly defended points and they need to follow a pattern. That's my opinion, maybe yours is different but trials is about the basics to me. Connection based matchmaking, gunplay, minimal randomness. Thanks for reading this far. I appreciate you. I want trials to be great and I think taking the time like this to air out opinions is important. Now, think to yourselves and please comment because I would love to hear what you think. Really, look up the skill of your competitors and see if its that different than last weekend or weekends prior. I hope Bungie tries this matchmaking on a normal weekend on burning shrine or at least a map that's very symmetrical. PS I enjoyed the card based matchmaking. Makes sense to me. But I'm curious to see what other have to say. Good luck out there everyone.



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