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4/19/2023 12:57:55 AM

*Spoilers* End of season Comments









With the end of season quest going Live today, I expected a lot, I expected to fight a big bad cabal who could lead an army instead of Calus, a Taken Cabal or darkness infused or something something Darkside of an enemy. I expected to run a mission in which I have to hold the line and survive onslaught after onslaught of enemies to free the remaining prisoners in in the ship before a climatic run/sparrow/something cool to escape as it falls into its death orbit around earth. I expected so many things to round a story that brought up small, hit big and could have ended bigger...and I was severely disappointed. 10 minutes of shooting adds, using explosives to destroy pyramid junk, and another 5 minutes to use the Magoffin to blow up an engine room...All to be rewarded with a shard, a seasonal weapon, a 1600 light level sniper rifle, and a ship that looks like someone thought of an x-wing, made a bad copy of it, and tore off 2 of its wings to be original. I was hoping for a secret exotic, something that amanda had in reserve from her parents or something, something that would be usable for the future, but nothing of the sorts. I felt as bad as getting the ship, as to be told seasons ago that my guardians favorite gun was the bastion. A be all end all mission was just a 15 minute spacewalk..Hell you get catapulted to the ship right off the bat, no preamble of jumping up debris in the ascendant realm, no fighting a taken guard that is protecting the ships exterior, nothing. Overall Seasonal Weapons: interesting Story: Could have been better Missions/battlegrounds: lots to improve Season pass: Armor is nice to look at Exotics: The only reason to buy the DLC



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