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4/4/2023 8:41:14 PM

Bungie, Why the Glaive nerf?!

At this point, the nerd with Synth and Glaives has become an echo chamber, but seriously, this bears repeating as much as possible, WHY?! I understand Synthos needing a nerf, and I understand Winterbite DEFINITELY needing a nerf, but making it to where ALL glaive are nerfed, and on top of that, nerfing the Synthos for glaives aswell?! I simply cannot understand why an uncharged melee does more damage than a darn pole with blade at the end, glaives are already barely used even in regular strike content since there's many other things that dish out better damage at a far range, but I specifically feel sorry for the Titan mains, they are the melee class, not by choice, and end up getting nerfed to the ground left and right, on all sides, why make a class that specializes in melee and only does melee subclasses, yet need the only thing they're good at?! I really don't understand the reasoning behind it at all. Titans as it stands is already the least played class, and it's all because Bungie keeps making them melee focused and then nerfing their kits, so why play titan at all? Titans finally found something else than Just bonking with solar hammer, and Bungie removes it. I just want to also bring attention to this post too so anyone that doesn't know what I'm talking about in the Synthos glaive nerf can really see the bigger picture on numbers: It's very sad, I hope Bungie actually ends up showing some love to titans, I'm by no means saying make one eyed mask great again, absolutely not, however, if all that titans have is Bonk, why take away that? When You yourselves are the ones that designed them like that in the first place.



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