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由Axious编辑: 2/21/2023 6:46:19 PM

Retroactive Season Pass System

I'm sure it's been brought up thousands of times before, but I believe a system to retroactively access season passes would be a great addition to the game. There are so many nice ornaments and cosmetics locked behind older seasons passes that are just plain unobtainable now, I think that's a disservice to both the community who wants to use them and the artists that put the work into designing them. I know it's within the real of possibility. We're all aware of the API's that allow you to claim unclaimed rewards from older season passes, so why isn't this a feature in the game? We paid for and worked towards these rewards, and while it as the fault of the player for not claiming them, clearly it's simple enough to implement a system to fix the problem. On the cosmetic route, I propose something similar to the MCC, where you can view all older passes and get the rewards from them, and you still have to put in the work and time to do it. I believe Halo Infinite also has a similar feature to this, instead having to buy each season pass. I believe this could work exceptionally well in Destiny 2. Not only would players have access to old cosmetics they missed out on, it could be a monetary endeavor for Bungie. Something like an old pass for 5$ would see a ton of purchases, as I know I personally would spend that much to work towards the old season of the hunt armor. Naturally, I expect some players to dislike this, probably using the argument that the buying and playing through these season passes when they were active is what makes them valuable and adds a feeling exclusivity to the players who did. While I can understand this to a degree, I feel that is more important to make all these cosmetic and Items available to all players. Even so, buying old pass means you can't experience those seasonal stories, quests, and events, which remains exclusive to the players that played during that time. Frankly, I'm not confident that this will happen or even be acknowledged by bungie(if they already have, I'm not aware of it), but it is an interesting thing to think about. Feel free to comment any other ideas or concerns.



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