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由.Lord.Touch.Me.编辑: 2/22/2023 6:58:39 PM

Soft sunsetting of older expansions (would like others imput to direct at bungie)

I've been on and off with destiny for about 3 years or whenever shadowkeep was released. Much more recently i've noticed a downturn in core gameplay models in favor of seasonal content being the main focus of development. I will say Witch queen campaign is honestly really good, but everything beyond that is just seasonal. Everytime i go back to older dlc it feels less and less important outside of raids and dungeons. The gear and vendors and quests available give subpar loot that don't compare with newer seasonal content. Intrinsic perks give and extra boost and I'm happy they went through the raids to make sure they had them. There seems to be a lot of time dedicated to making and designing the location weapons from older expansion, but they were forgotten not a year later because older content isn't being tied into the current running story. Like dreambane armor could've been a neat callback to nightmares if they allowed the nightmare perks to exist outside of hunts (need a little nerf if so) . Again, I'm wondering why they took a stance against sunsetting the expansions we have now, but ignore them to the point they're being soft sunset . Europa and moon weapons have cool designs and interesting sounds. Dreaming city weapons aesthetic is pure bliss, but i rarely see any of them. Also, weapon crafting and why bungie has not made u their mind on what they want. They started off with Witch Queen location weapons. Again, awesome design. Then they went for purely seasonal and slowly introduced raid weapons. Now its just seasonal being added, not the new dungeon weapons. Is it just to push the sales of seasons until they try to patch the band-aid later next season after the raid, when they introduce perk enhancement on random rolls. They missed a big opportunity to revamp old content into the crafting system OR old gear to have intrinsic perks that give small boosts to specific storylines that have been continued. Frankly, I want more articulate opinions or maybe and answer from bungie on what they're thinking about the core content that's staying for destiny 2's lifetime. There is no reason for new lights buy overpriced campaign missions in the current state of the game when seasonal content has way more interactive gear ( not greater design, just better and more interesting perks ). On a final note, i hate/dislike seasonal content. it brings about some of the most boring stories on a 50/50 chance of being good because they think their own player base is too dumb to understand complicated story telling and outright narrate every action or thought a character is thinking so we know who's the real bad guy here or making sure we can't read in-between the lines of a characters dialogue. I don't want 95% of the story to be locked behind a lore tab that i have to grind for and its gone if i miss it. I like the big stories, I like the campaigns, i like silence of a character and mystery behind their intentions. I don't want to feel so alone is this gigantic universe where all these stories are being written but i never see a single character that doesn't want to kill me. It just feels more and more lifeless. I just want to have fun in a world i love and i can translate that fun into endgame content later.



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