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2/9/2023 3:38:50 AM

Evidence Board Inaccessible despite change to Exotic Glave Questline

In a recent Hotfix, it was said that players who completed the Exotic Glaive questline on one character would now be able to purchase the other two Glaive patterns from the Evidence Board. I traveled to the Enclave on a second character (I've finished Witch Queen on all three characters, as well as the Exotic Glaive quest on my primary character) and the Evidence board is unavailable to even interact with. Is this supposed to be the case? Too bad so sad, you needed to have NOT finished the Evidence Board in order to bypass the grind? I'm confused.



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  • Greetings! The Evidence Board not able to interact with is a known issue and Bungie is investigating. You won't be able to get the glaive pattern(s) from the evidence board until it is fixed. [quote]Some players are unable to interact with the evidence board.[/quote] Stay tuned to the [url=]@BungieHelp Twitter Page[/url] for future updates and information!



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