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2/2/2023 9:03:19 PM

Plz Bungie, never again.

Bungie, never design another season like SotHaunted again. Trying to get all the red border patterns is so annoying. The leviathan loot loop is way too much of a grind, and unlike all of the other seasons, you can’t earn a way to focus red borders passively, even after filling out the upgrade table. At least with the other seasons, you weren’t forced to play the seasonal activity once you filled out the upgrade table. Destiny doesn’t need anymore mind numbing grinds in the game. [spoiler]tho someone will inevitably tell me that that is what destiny is by itself.[/spoiler]



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  • That season did something’s right like: 1.Have a fastest grind for Umbral Energy. 2. Let your earn enough Vestige of Dread during a run to be able to open the chest at the end. 3. Had some of the best guns in the game. But it did a lot wrong too: 1. It was the most boring season to date, I ended up having to take a break from Destiny half way through it. 2. Earning the red bordered versions of Drang and the Mini Tool basically meant waiting each week to buy them off the vender because they would not drop in the Leviathan for me. Ironically it’s probably my least played current season but most played past season.



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    3 回复
    • I actually liked the leviathan model. Where I can drop in on public events rather than be trapped in the same thing over and over. Getting the weapons did suck, but there was some good points to that seasonal model.



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    • I liked how self contained season of the haunted was. I didn’t need to go play other activities just to earn materials to do a seasonal activity and turn them in for seasonal loot. Unlike most seasons where you have to go do strikes or something for a while before you can go back to the seasonal activity. You could kind of just live on the leviathan if you wanted. I do wish umbral energy flowed a bit more freely though. The grind was a lot.



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      • "working as intended"



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      • Agreed. Honestly I loved that whole season except that one aspect just irritated me…



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        1 回复
        • [quote]Destiny doesn’t need anymore mind numbing grinds in the game.[/quote] Doesn't need and what you will get are 2 different things. This business is not in business to improve your experience playing the game, they are in business to keep you playing but in a way that is not enjoyable. I find it funny how players pretend running activities sometimes a couple of hundred times for 1 stupid item is "fun". "I'm farming" No, you are running on a hamster wheel hoping something will drop 😂🤦‍♂️



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        • Boohoo there’s still three weeks left



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          • The no-life kids have time to do it, so that means you have time to do it too right?



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            1 回复
            • You'll live.



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            • Personally I liked that grind the best simply because you can just keep spawning in and join a group that’s almost done the encounter. Season of the plunder I liked the least, I wasn’t a fan of having to do ketchcrash just to get map fragments.



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            • 由Mark, Scholar of Stars编辑: 2/3/2023 10:22:54 AM
              This was, in relation of patterns, the easiest season for me. Same can be said about "Reaper" which I made through selfprogression without giving that much attention. I liked Season of the Haunted and -Seraph. Which I can't say about the other two. Two out of four are okay for me, judging a whole year of content. In retrospect, Nightmare Containment was the best, and rewarding, activity from The Witch Queen.



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              3 回复
              • You're speaking of austringer beloved and so on yeah? I feel ya.



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                7 回复
                • Have to agree that grinding both the Haunted and the Opulent weapons was not a pleasant experience. I had to resort to using the focusing engrams options to complete a couple weapons because the RNG was not helping. I lost count on how many red border Drangs I got while trying to complete Austringer and after getting my first red border Firefright early in the season, I never saw another one until late season and only after I started doing the focused engram option with the Crown. I don't mind having to do the seasonal activity in order to get a red border seasonal weapon. It's when we have an extra set such as the Opulent and Ikelos that only have a limited avenue to obtain the red border that I have come really dislike.



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                • 由Auronio编辑: 2/3/2023 11:39:17 AM
                  Agree. Though running three nightmare events = currency for 1 red border can be done relatively quickly. 30 minutes? Yep, still a lot of time. I say Thx to Bungie for the daily Red Borders now as otherwise I had no chance to craft all the desired frames. Late partial improvement. However in contrast to the more recent seasons where better algorithms (it's not! RNG, it's governed by Bungie algorithms) were applied, the RNG/algorithm for the Leviathan were/are abysmal. Some weapons I got no single frame from the guaranteed weekly chest drops. Instead getting Austringers or Calus or Drang despite the fact I had crafted them already. A joke we get red borders for weapons with unlocked frames and no red borders for not unlocked weapons. Well, finally though by additional but controlled grind I got my Beloved and can get the remaining seasonal Haunted weapons. Edit: despite of crafting material economy and red border drop algorithms plus the inevitable weapon-upgrade-multi-grind I love crafting as I can determine exactly what I want within the limits of a given frame and personally I believe we got predominantly very strong weapons. A long way to get to the final enhanced version but worth the end result.



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                • Recycle, reuse, reskin, and retire old weapons so players must regrind to reacquire.



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                • I feel your pain man I was grinding for opulent keys for hours last night and got 3 side arms and 2 beloved snipers. I still need to get my ikelos red borders too. This system is absolutely terrible. If it’s gonna be this much of a grind they should not be vaulting seasonal content.



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